+++ Important note: We are taking a company vacation from 04. to 18.01.2024. Learn more +++

Culinary calendar

Time for gourmet moments

Come with us on a culinary journey through the year with many seasonal and regional delicacies.

Whether in summer temperatures on our large terrace directly on the Arlau or in our cozy parlors in Frisian grubby weather – enjoy a little break in the middle of nature.

In addition to our culinary calendar, our Restaurant Deichgraf offers you all kinds of delicacies à la carte and seasonal dishes of the day every day from 5:30 pm. You can also take part in our extensive breakfast buffet daily from 7:00 to 10:00 am.

We look forward to your visit.

September 2024

Sonntag, 22. September, 12:00 – 15:00 Uhr:
Saisonabschlussgrillen mit Helgoländer Hummer und weiteren Meeresfrüchten – 55 € p.P.

Sonntag, 29. September, 11:00 – 14:00 Uhr:
Saisonabschlussbrunch mit Saisonspezialitäten, Schokobrunnen & Prosecco – 39 € p.P.

Wichtige Information:

Für den Termin am 22.09.24 möchten wir Sie darauf hinweisen, dass der Anmeldeschluss der 09.09.24 ist. Wir bitten um Verständnis, dass für diesen Termin eine Vorauszahlung notwendig ist, da der Hummer extra für Sie auf Helgoland geordert wird. Für jeden Gast wird 1 kg Helgoländer Hummer sowie weitere Meeresfrüchte und Grillspezialitäten zur Verfügung stehen.

Oktober 2024

Sonntag, 6. Oktober, 12:00 – 15:00 Uhr:
Schnitzelessen mit Schnitzelvariationen von Kalb, Schwein und Geflügel, inkl. Beilagen;
29 € p. Erw., 15 € p. Kind (5-13 J.)

Sonntag, 13. Oktober, 11:00 – 14:00 Uhr:
Sonntagsbrunch mit bayerischem Frühschoppen;
32 € p. Erw. / 16 € p. Kind (5-13 J.)

Sonntag, 20. Oktober, 12:00 – 15:00 Uhr: 
Rouladen (Rind & Wild) vom Buffet inkl. Beilagen;
39 € p. Erw., 19 € p. Kind (5-13 J.)

Sonntag, 27. Oktober, 11:00 – 14:00 Uhr:
Sonntagsbrunch mit saisonalen Besonderheiten;
32 € p. Erw. / 16 € p. Kind (5-13 J.)

November 2024

Freitag, 8. November, ab 18:00 Uhr:
Traditionelles Aalessen mit gebratenem und geräucherten Aal inkl. Beilagen und Absacker;
39 € p.P. / 19 € pro Kind (5–13 J.)

Freitag, 22. November, ab 18:00 Uhr:
Traditionelles Grünkohlessen inkl. diverser Beilagen und Absacker;
29 € p.P. / 14 € pro Kind (5–13 J.)

Dezember 2024

Sonntag, 8. Dezember, 11:00 – 14:00 Uhr:
Nikolaus-Brunch mit Schokobrunnen & Prosecco sowie Auftritt des Husumer Kinderchors;
39 € p.P. / 19 € pro Kind (5–13 J.)

25. & 26. Dezember, 11:00 – 14:00 Uhr:
Weihnachtsbrunch mit Schokobrunnen, Prosecco und weihnachtlichen Köstlichkeiten;
39 € p.P. / 19 € pro Kind (5–13 J.)

31. Dezember, ab 18:00 Uhr:
exklusives 5-Gang-Festtagsmenü inkl. Aperitif;
65 € p.P. (Kinder gemäß Kinderspeisekarte)

*Für Silvester und die Weihnachtsfeiertage sind wir bereits ausgebucht. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis!

February 2025

Friday, February 21, starting at 6:00 pm:
Traditional kale dinner (incl. various side dishes and nightcap) following the Biikebrennen;
29 € p.p. / 14 € per child (5-13 yrs.)

March 2025

Sunday, March 23, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m:
Breakfast brunch for the crocus blossom with chocolate fountain, Prosecco and seasonal specialties;
39 € p.p. / 19 € per child (5-13 yrs.)

April 2025

Easter Sunday & Easter Monday, April 20 & 21, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Easter brunch with chocolate fountain, Prosecco & seasonal delicacies:
39 € p.p. / 19 € per child (5-13 yrs.)

Easter Sunday, April 20, from 5:30 pm:
Easter lamb festive menu (4-course) incl. aperitif;
49 € p.p. / 25 € per child (5-13 yrs.)

May 2025

Thursday, May 1, from 5:30 pm:
Arlau-Schleuse-Schnitzelfest: schnitzel variations of veal, pork & poultry, incl. side dishes;
25 € p.p. / 13 € per child (5-13 yrs.)

Sunday, May 11 (Mother’s Day), 11:00 am – 2:00 pm:
Mother’s Day brunch with chocolate fountain, prosecco & seasonal delicacies;
39 € p.p. / 19 € per child (5-13 yrs.)

Thursday, May 29 (Ascension Day), from 5:30 pm:
“Meat is my vegetable” – steak evening for
with regional steak variations & wagyu tasting
Wagyu tasting with the breeder;
49 € p.p. (children according to children’s menu)

Barbecue summer 2025

May 26 – September 29, every Monday from 5:30 pm:
Rustic barbecue buffet with different meat, fish and vegetarian variations, incl. side dishes;
29 € p.p. / 15 € per child (5-13 yrs.)

June 2025

Pentecost Sunday, June 8, from 5:30 pm:
Gourmet barbecue buffet with exquisite,
regional specialties;
39 € p.p. / 19 € per child (5-13 yrs.)

Thursday, June 26, from 5:30 pm:
Arlau-Schleuse Matjes Day:
Fresh matjes variations incl. side dishes;
22 € p.p. / 11 € per child (5-13 yrs.)

October 2025

Friday, October 3 (Day of German Unity), starting at 5:30 pm:
Culinary journey through all sixteen federal states (buffet style);
39 € p.p. / 19 € per child (5-13 yrs.)

Information & reservations

Included with every brunch: extensive breakfast buffet, selection of hot and cold dishes, coffee specialties and drinks from the buffet. A minimum of twelve people per date is required to ensure that the event can take place.

Please call 04846 – 699 00 to reserve a table.

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Nothing helps us move forward on our path better than a pause.

(Elizabeth Barrett Browning)

Dear Guests,

From January 2 to February 28, 2025, our North Sea Hotel Arlau-Schleuse and our restaurant Deichgraf will be closed for a holiday break. True to the motto: “We’re not standing still, we’re just gaining momentum,” we’ll return with renewed energy and great anticipation for the new year.

Even during our holiday break, our reception remains available Monday – Saturday from 9 am – 4 pm via phone and email. Online bookings for the period afterward are still possible at any time.

We look forward to welcoming you back starting March 1, 2025.

The entire team of the North Sea Hotel Arlau-Schleuse wishes you and your loved ones a relaxing holiday season and a great start to the New Year 2025.

IMPORTANT: One exception we as North Frisians can’t resist: During the Biike season (February 20–23, 2025), our hotel will be open, offering our special Biike arrangement. Secure your room now and join us in bidding farewell to winter.

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For example, send us your completed registration form in advance and everything will be ready for you when you arrive.


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